At 'Pools' you manage your capacity.
When you create a pool you secure the total amount of privileges that can be assigned to your visitors. There are two types of privileges: Entrance privileges and Upsell privileges. Entrance privileges are used to provide your visitors entrance to the event. Upsell privileges are used to sell extra's like a service or merchandise. For example: Diner at location, t-shirts or tokens for drinks.
If you press the button 'Pools', you will find a list of all available pools. Entrance pools have a ticket icon. Upsell pools have a shopping icon.
Example Entrance pools
Entrance privileges are used to provide your visitors entrance to the event. The total amount of entrance tickets one person is allowed to purchase, can be limited per shop.
For example: for a regular event you can sell 200 tickets for the standing area and 100 VIP tickets. You’ll create two entrance pools:
- Regular tickets (capacity of 200)
- VIP tickets (capacity of 100)
Creating a ticket
After you have managed your pools, you can create the tickets. This is done under the tab 'shops'. When creating a ticket, you choose from which pool you want to use a privilege. In other words: If this ticket is sold, from which pool does the system deduct one privilege? From which pool does this ticket use the capacity?
Multiple tickets can make use of the same pool. If you don’t mind how many regular and how many VIP tickets will be sold, you create one pool for the whole capacity and choose the same pool for both ticket types. In this case for example you can sell 280 regular and 20 VIP tickets, or 250 VIP and 50 regular tickets.
If you click on the pool, the system will always show you which tickets are connected to this pool, from which shop these tickets are offered and how many are sold for which price.
Every shop has its own rules. Read more about that here. The maximum amount of tickets that one customer is allowed to purchase, counts the amount of tickets that are using the Entrance pool.
Example Upsell pool
You create an Upsell pool if you want to sell extra's or merchandise. Diner at location, t-shirts or tokens for drinks. Pools always need a certain amount. Is your capacity unlimited; just choose a high amount like 99999.
Creating a ticket
In the online shop the system automatically tags the tickets that only make use of an upsell pool as 'EXTRA'. This way visitors know that this ticket contains an extra product and not an entrance ticket. When a vistor reaches the maximum amount of entrance tickets (here 3 out of 3), they can still add the upsell.
Seated event
For seated events the system automatically creates pools based on the floor plan.