You can look up your customers per event. When you select a customer, you will go to the ticket page of this specific customer. Here you can see and do various things:
- Personal data
- Resend emails
- Group data
- Tickets
- Privileges
- Status
- Owner
- Batch actions
Personal data and resend confirmation email
At the top of the page, you can find the personal details of the customer. Here you will also find the 'Send Email' button. You can use this button to resend the confirmation e-mail (or e-mail about the seats).
Customers can only edit personal data themselves. The customer can do this by logging in and going to the profile.
The ticketeer can change the phone number if necessary.
At the right of your screen, under the personal data, you will find the group data. Customers can share tickets with each other (read more here). Everyone in the group has the same rights regarding the tickets. All tickets are transparent for the entire group. You can add a customer to the group via the 'add' button. Clicking on a name of a person in the group, will take you to that customer's ticket page.
If there are no group members yet, create a group by adding the first one:.
At the bottom of the page you can see the tickets that the customer has access to. You will see the following information per ticket:
- Name of the ticket
- Number of privileges and type (Access or Upsell)
- Status of the ticket
- Owner (buyer) of the ticket
Number of privileges and type
A ticket consists of 1 or more privileges. When you create a pool, you determine how many privileges you will sell. You have 2 privilege types, namely:
- Access: This gives the customer a right to access (part of) the event.
- Upsell: This gives the customer a right to an extra product or service.
You can see at a glance how many privileges a ticket contains. For example, the 'Three Day Ticket' ticket contains 3 access privileges, and the 'Burger' ticket contains 1 upsell privilege per ticket:
By clicking on the ticket you can view all the details of the ticket. Here's how to see that the 'Three Day Ticket' ticket consists of the 'Friday', 'Saturday' and 'Sunday' privilege and when these different privileges are checked in:
Via the 'Invalidate' button, you can cancel the ticket and refund money (read more here).
Via the Batch Action you can check in a privilege or cancel the check-in. You can also print a privilege separately or include a note. If all privileges within a ticket have the same note, this note will also be shown at the ticketpage.
Status of the ticket
- Empty: No particularities, a valid ticket.
- For sale: The customer has put the ticket up for sale.
- For sale and in basket: The ticket that the customer has put up for sale is currently being bought by someone. There is no guarantee that this sale will be completed.
- Resold: The customer resold the ticket to another customer.
- Checked-in: The ticket has been scanned.
- Invalidated: The ticket has been invalidated and can no longer be used by the customer.
Owner (buyer) of the ticket
Behind each ticket you will see the name of the customer who bought the ticket. This is the owner of the ticket. Customers can share tickets with each other (read more here). Everyone in the group has the same rights with regard to the tickets. So you may see multiple names in the ticket list, as in the screenshot below. You can also see who has resold which ticket. In theory, Martijn could have sold both tickets, because everyone in the group has the same rights:
By clicking on the ticket you can view all the details of the ticket. This also contains information about reselling the ticket:
Ticket actions
Below the tickets you will find the button 'Batch action'. Here you will find various actions that you can perform for 1 or more tickets. First tick the tickets for which you want to perform the action, then click on Batch action and then on the action you want to perform. The following options are listed below:
- Check-in / Undo check-in: Here you can check in (scan) the ticket or undo this action. Read more here.
- Print privileges: You can print the tickets as separate privileges. Read more about ticket printing here.
- Edit note: Customise the note. This is only visible in the dashboard. If you add a note for a ticket, this will also be shown on all privileges.
- Invalidate: Allows you to invalidate a ticket. Read more in our article about 'invalidating tickets'.