Usually one day before an event takes place, the ticketeer finalizes the seating map of the event. This means that after finalization all seats are locked and assigned to an attendee.
How does it work?
Autoseating helps with finalizing. When you click ‘Autoseat’ in the bottom right, the seating algorithm automatically assigns attendees to their seats corresponding with their ticket ranks. While doing so, it takes into account who bought tickets first. When autoseating is finished, you can click ‘Assign’ in the bottom left again, to check if any attendees are still not assigned a seat. This can happen if the amount of tickets per order and the amount of seats available in a rank don’t match. For example: When a section only has an uneven amount of seats, but you only sold tickets in pairs for that section. If that happens you can reset autoseating and manually assign seats to attendees and restart autoseating again until the whole venue is filled well and correctly.
For example, in this case 3 orders of 6 should be placed 2x3:
If you reset, all seats with a lock will remain. These are holds and manually assigned seats.
After finalization all seats are filled and will show a lock. All attendees will receive a message with their seating information and seat numbers.