Customers can share the tickets that they bought. You can read here how sharing works for a customer.
When sharing tickets, you create a group. Everyone in this group has the same rights, to prevent fraud and illegal resell. Everyone in the group can use the tickets, but also put them on sale within the system.
Once a group has been created, you can find it in the dashboard (per customer). A group can consist of the number of tickets purchased +1.
Under the customers information you can see to which tickets someone has access, who the owner is and who is a group member. Here Shanna is the buyer and owner of the tickets, all the others are invited to her group. For each ticket you can also see who the owner of that specific ticket is.
Add participant
If the customer would like to share the tickets, but he / she does not succeed, you can add someone to the group via the dashboard. You do this by clicking on the 'Add' button. You need the mobile phone number to add someone.